「禅 1」”Zen1”

  • 長岡国人2003




  •   解 説


     Hiramatsu opened the exhibition in 1975 at the Kaiser- Wi1helm-Museum. Paul Wember, the Famous director of the museum, was world-famous for the contemporary art historian who scouted the nameless Yves Klein and published his introduction and works. Gisela Fiedler, the assistant director of the museum, praised her in the exhibition's brochure that “She begins creating from the calm contemplation and spiritual concentration, meditation and deep consideration for the true nature of an object, not from the excited emotion or physical impulse such as abstract impressionism or active painting. The western artists learned the eastern philosophy, however, western people cannot become eastern people.”
     She created a white series which explored minimalistic whiteness and space and created ink characters on white cloth, They echo the former Yamatoe's union of space with characters. Although Hiramatsu dealt with the Chinese and Japanese syllabary; those works cannot be described as “Calligraphy”. The Chinese character emerged in China to express an image of the form. She returned to the characters' origin and recreated her own new forms.
    Then a character was no longer an established character style, but was pictorially arranged on a canvas. ln this way, a new writing freed itself from established meaning and became an original orientalistic abstract arrangement.
    Shinto has an additional representative feature, its view of a “Pure world of ”Shintoism shuns impurity. A pure thing (e.g. the color white)is valued. From China Zen and other Buddhist sects arrived in Shintoist Japan where purification had been symbolized by the color white. Shintoism's White-based “pure World” leads to the beauty of “Wabi”, ”Sabi”, ”Horobi”(ruination),”Yugen”(profound Subtlety)and “Mono-no-aware”. At the Same time, the ideas of ”Mu”(void)and ”Ku”(Empty),seen in Zen and Heart Sutra, demand austere minimalism. The sumi-ink landscape painting contains many unpainted areas.
     These white areas indicate the art of “Mu”(void),and this technique resonates with the unique Japanese “pure World” idea. Furthermore, Zen's idea “Muga”(selflessness)pursues nonsubjective unification between nature and human kind. The selfless Zen world view was expressed by the sumi-ink landscape painting technique which describes a stylized landscape world in black on a white background.
     The Ryoan Temple is famous for this stylized landscape expressionism rendering sea against vast white sand. This mechanism helps us image the wide spread of the world. Moreover, the Wabi-Sabi of Zen is a beauty, created by leaving the natural exist while excluding individual deliberation

