“The Japanese beauty in the world”
Assuming that human-centeredness centrism in contemporary western Europe
is at a dead end and assuming that some seek to share a renewed existence
with the natural world, art must be broadly considered in terms of nature
and in terms of human existence in the universe, both concepts beyond human
understanding, and liberated from the confines of human consciousness.
For Hiramatsu conceptual art is such an outlook on the universe and the
In her flower images,the artist wanted to express its beauty and to secure
its ephemeral image into the future. While Western artists tend to draw
a thing as itself,Japanese artists consider the importance of its “place”.
It belongs to space, and the object fills this place rather than exist
as itself.
In Japanese fine arts, unfilled space is considered important because
unfilled space expresses “Place”. To Hiramatsu the square canvas presented
a drawing place for nature and the universe. Hiramatsu's work moved from
rich color in her U.S. period, to white in her German period,black in her
Japan period, and finally silver and gold in her old age. She sought the
most beautiful hues in the world, the most beautiful white in the world,and
the most beautiful black in the world respectively.
Japanese “Wabi”,” Sabi”, and” Miyabi” became united in her final series
of gold and silver.
Traditional art trend toward stereotyping, and stall in their advancement.
Stereotyped form is one area of illustration, while Wabi-Sabi based randomized
design is an opposite concept. It can be said that modern art has stagnated
through loss of the goal of artistic creation. An aim of art is beauty.
Each artist has to develop his/her own peculiar beauty.
Kazuo Sakata's guiding precept was that art should advance ceaselessly.
Hiramatsu does not claim that because she uses traditional Japanese Sumi
and traditional Japanese paper her art is traditionally Japanese, nor does
she insist that because it has novelty her art is avant-9arde.0nly because
she could not find expression in existing techniques, did she create novel
new technique.
The Japanese traditional arts were given abstraction, equipped with beauty
and dynamism, and recreated anew by Hiramatsu. Whenever Hiramatsu traveled
the world, she discovered the “Japan” inside her. Many intellectuals desired
the arrival of a contemporary art which could revive Japan's aesthetic
sense. Hiramatsu realized that wish.
3 平松輝子 Teruko Hiramatsu/「水の波動」 ”The Water wave motion” /金銀紙、Gold & silver Paper
5 平松輝子Teruko Hiramatsu/「宇宙2、「太陽の光の金色と月の光の銀色という光り輝く世界」”Universe2、 “Sunlight,Gold and Moonlight Silver, Shining World”
/金銀紙、Gold & silver Paper6 平松輝子Teruko Hiramatsu「禅1-清浄主義、禅」/” Zen1、white purism、Zen”/ 墨、Sumi
7 平松輝子Teruko Hiramatsu /「禅2-清浄主義、滔々」、” Zen1、white purism、Toutou”
/ 墨、Sumi9 平松輝子Teruko Hiramatsu/「禅4-黒の精神世界 ほとばしる」”Spiritual black sumi world、
The stream.”」/墨、Sumi11 平松輝子Teruko Hiramatsu /「禅6-黒の精神世界 石と水」”Spiritual black sumi world、
The rock and water1”」/墨、Sum13 平松輝子Teruko Hiramatsu /「古代文明シリーズ1-ギリシャ」”Ancient civilization1、Ancient Greece”/ 墨、和紙、Sumi、Washi
15 平松輝子 Teruko Hiramatsu/「自然の終焉」” The end of the nature” /アクリルAcrylic
1 二紀和太留Wataru Fuki
4 二紀和太留Wataru Fuki
3 二紀和太留Wataru Fuki
CyberMuseumの続きを観る click here2 二紀和太留Wataru Fuki
16 平松輝子Teruko Hiramatsu/「1960年代のミクストメディア」”A mixed media in1960’s “
/ Mixed media 墨セメント和紙14 平松輝子Teruko Hiramatsu/「古代文明シリーズ2-エジプト”Ancient civilization2、Ancient Egypt” / 墨、和紙、Sumi、Washi
12 平松輝子Teruko Hiramatsu /「禅7-黒の精神世界 石と水」”Spiritual black sumi world、
The rock and water”」墨、Sumi10 平松輝子Teruko Hiramatsu/「禅5-黒の精神世界、白龍」”Spiritual black sumi world、White dragon”」/墨、Sumi
8 平松輝子Teruko Hiramatsu/「禅3-黒の精神世界」”Spiritual black sumi world” Japan」/墨、Sumi
1 平松輝子Teruko Hiramatsu /「みやび1」/ 10,000の石の雨、“Miyabi 1-The rain of 10,000 stones”/ アクリル和紙Acrylics Wash
2 平松輝子Teruko Hiramatsu /「みやび2」/ “Miyabi 2- The elegant Japan” /アクリル和紙Acrylics Washi
1 平松輝子の世界
2 二紀和太留の世界
4 平松輝子Teruko Hiramatsu/「宇宙1、「太陽の光の金色と月の光の銀色という光り輝く世界」”Universe1、 “Sunlight,Gold and Moonlight Silver, Shining World” /金銀紙、Gold & silver Paper