• 禅は理論ではない。禅は瞑想である。瞑想は想像である。太陽を。銀河を。地球を。火を。山を。風を。雪を。岩を。空気を。

銀河 Gallaxy

炎 Fire

炎 Fire

マッターホルン Matterholn

落日 The setting sun

日輪 Sun circle

日輪 Sun circle

山 Mountain

風 Wind

流氷 Drafting ice

雪 Snow

石 Ston

銀河 Gallaxy

銀河 Gallaxy

  • Zen(禅)is not logical. Zen is Meditation. Meditaion is imaging. Imaging the sun. Imaging the gallaxy. Imaging the earth. Imaging the water. Imaging the fire. Imaging the mountain. Imaging the wind. imaging the snow. Imaging the rock. Imaging the air. Not thinking. But feeling.Then you can unite with those by imagining those. Genuine zen painting is to unite with those and draw a picture.