- 長岡国人2003
解 説
石膏で下地を作り、墨を流したり、種々の材料をはりつけた。このようなミクストメディアはまだ日本になかった。この新しい方法は小倉忠夫氏(当時近代美術館館員)を無手勝流と驚かせて、三彩1964年6月号に紹介された。These are just before the going to America and Nihonbashi art gallery for 1964 years, and exhibitions are 3 done things and a work of the “crater” etc. written after 1967 after returning home. (Total of 8 points)
Foundation was made with gypsum, ink was let run and various material was stuck. There has been no such mixed media in Japan yet. Three color schemes of this new way surprised Mr Tadao Ogura (those days National Museum of Modern Arts staff) with the own style, and was introduced to Art magazine Sansai issue in 1964.